Our Board of Directors - 2023/2024

Leaders in Conservation Fundraising for the Cataraqui Region

Each year at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) the Cataraqui Conservation Foundation elects a new board of directors which is charged with the responsibility for being a steward of the organization’s resources, administering and developing all fundraising programs and initiatives, promoting the Foundation to the wider community, facilitating relationships and partnerships with new and potential donors, as well as ensuring there is a succession plan to propel the organization forward by recruiting and developing new leadership prospects. 

We are pleased to introduce you to the current leadership team guiding the Cataraqui Conservation Foundation., contact us to apply.


Current board members:

Carol Murphy (President)

Stephen Dyer (Vice-President Treasurer)

Sharon Sommier-Mulligan

Susan Gow

Nick Dinh

Lynn Snider

Ex officio - Cataraqui Conservation Full Authority Board Chairperson (or designate)

Honourary Directors:

To honour those individuals who have demonstrated long-standing commitment. dedication and exceptional leadership on behalf of the Cataraqui Conservation Foundation, the Board has conferred upon them the title of honourary board members.

Marion Ellis

Liz Evans